
R3O Sax Contest

In 2021, in light of the increasingly fruitful collaboration with saxophonist Jacopo Taddei and taking into account the high demand for participation by young professionals of this instrument, we held the first edition of the R3O Sax contest, open to classical saxophone players, promoted by Roma Tre Orchestra in collaboration with the Museo del Saxofono di Fiumicino.

Roll of honor

first place Salvatore Alessandro Miceli
second place Francesco Ronzio
third place Lorenzo Simoni



At this link you can consult the call for the second edition of the R3OSaxContest, an important initiative in support of the new generations of saxophonists designed by Roma Tre Orchestra and Jacopo Taddei.

The 2022 edition of the Contest avails itself of a technical commission composed of the following members:

M° Attilio Berni, Direttore del Museo del Saxofono di Fiumicino;
M° Vincent Dupuy, Henri Selmer Paris;
M° Mario Marzi, Saxofonista di chiara fama;
M° Jacopo Taddei, Saxofonista di chiara fama;
dott. Valerio Vicari, Direttore Artistico di Roma Tre Orchestra.

Registration expires at 11.59 pm on May 15, 2022.

The list of 5 candidates admitted to the final will be published on 31 May 2022 on this site.




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